Tuesday 7 November 2011

Tena koutou te whānau o te kura Muritai

Wow. November already. And only five weeks until the end of the school year. We hope that as you and your family start to gear up for the usual pre-Christmas madness you are able to enjoy the last few weeks of term and the start of another glorious summer in our wonderful little part of the world.

Since our last newsletter the Board has been busy with the process of refining the School Charter for 2012 and beyond. You will obviously have seen our e-mails and letters in this regard and we would like to thank everyone who has taken the opportunity to have their say for their contributions. The board has spent the last couple of meetings, and a fair bit of time in between, reviewing the responses we have received and feeding it into the review process. Whilst the variety of opinion highlights the healthily diverse nature of our community, we were delighted that the common thread of the process as a whole has been an overwhelming support and endorsement for the focus and direction of the school. We expect to have the revised Charter available early in the new year and will of course post it on the website.

Whilst the RWC has largely monopolised news coverage in the last three months there is obviously the small matter of the national election taking place later this month. The New Zealand School Trustees Association have sent a standard set of questions to the education spokesperson for each of the main parties and have made their responses available. We will post these responses on the Muritai website for your information. Please click the link here to view this.

At Muritai, we have this month, an equally significant election of our own in relation to which we wrote to you a couple of weeks ago. That is of course the election for the two mid-term positions on the board. We would strongly encourage you to consider participating in the governance of the school in this way. Nomination forms need to be in by 11 November. If you would like to know more please get in touch with Stuart Stock at stu.stock@mac.com or on 8892288 or contact any of the trustees whose details are on the website.

Enjoy the last few weeks of the year. Roll on the summer.

Stu, Olivia, Griff, Dave, Julie, Lisa and Andrew