Farewell to the old Board of Trustees


Congratulations to Olivia Paterson, Arini Poutu and Stuart Stock who have been elected to the Board of Trustees. With just 3 nominations there was no need for an election. Olivia, Arini and Stuart join Krista Huber, Peter Schroder, Lisa Allen (staff) and myself to form the Muritai BoT until the next mid term election in 18 months.

Recently we had the final board meeting for the outgoing Board of Trustees and I have been reflecting on the work of the Board over the last 3 years. Working with our Board has been a very productive, supportive and entertaining experience and I am very grateful to the members of the Board for the dedication and enthusiasm that they have all brought to the role. Highlights of this Board have included some very successful building projects, a full review of all school policies, working through strategic development to form our School Charter, the implementation and the introduction of our new curriculum and building a new understanding of the National Standards.

I take this opportunity to thank two of our current Board members who have recently stepped down : Steve Bielby and Sharon Wilson. Steve has been a Board member since 12 May 2004 and was elected chairperson the following year. Steve has been an outstanding leader of the Board and the I thank him for his commitment to the governance role during this time. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Sharon Wilson for her work and strong support during her time on the Board, particularly work around health and safety and surveying the community.

The Muritai School community has always been fortunate to be well represented by people who have the motivation and drive to take the governance role involved in education seriously. Those who have served on the Board know that involvement is more than just attending a monthly meeting and once elected the reality of the role differs somewhat to what is often perceived. Although serving as a Board member is a voluntary community responsibility it most certainly does require a significant commitment of time, energy and skill. Being a good employer requires a wide range of expertise from within Board members not only for good governance but also to ensure that the school staff feel valued and supported whilst also firmly respectful of the importance of their role in educating the children. The lines of communication, responsibility and accountability are two way and both employer and employees need to feel confident that they are working in a partnership that brings the quality education that we all strive for.

Those parents who accept Board of Trustee responsibilities bring their knowledge and skills to contribute to the culture of the school environment. It is their chance to make a seriou
s contribution to the school’s direction, strategic planning, policy making and education priorities. It is challenging, it's hugely exciting because it's about children, and it’s rewarding because community expectations are realised through the effectiveness of its education governors and the teachers they employ.

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